Yugabyte Platform is best fit for mission-critical deployments, such as production or pre-production testing. The Yugabyte Platform console is used in a highly-available mode and orchestrates and manages YugabyteDB universes, or clusters, on one or more regions (across public cloud and private on-premises data centers).
Yugabyte Platform is a containerized application that is installed and managed using Replicated for mission-critical environments (for example, production, performance, or failure mode testing). Replicated is a purpose-built tool for on-premises deployments and life cycle management of containerized applications. For environments that are not mission-critical, such as those needed for local development or simple functional testing, you can also use YugabyteDB.
Yugabyte Platform can be accessed using any desktop internet browser that has been supported by its maker in the past 24 months and that has a market share of at least 0.2%. In addition, Yugabyte Platform may be accessed by most mobile browsers, except Opera Mini.
Yugabyte Platform offers three levels of user accounts: Super Admin, Admin, and Read-only, with the latter having rather limited access to functionality. Unless otherwise specified, the Yugabyte Platform documentation describes the functionality available to a Super Admin user.