Distributed Transactions
Creating the table
Create a keyspace.
ycqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE banking;
The YCQL table should be created with the transactions
property enabled. The statement should look something as follows.
ycqlsh> CREATE TABLE banking.accounts (
account_name varchar,
account_type varchar,
balance float,
PRIMARY KEY ((account_name), account_type)
) with transactions = { 'enabled' : true };
You can verify that this table has transactions enabled on it by running the following query.
ycqlsh> select keyspace_name, table_name, transactions from system_schema.tables
where keyspace_name='banking' AND table_name = 'accounts';
keyspace_name | table_name | transactions
banking | accounts | {'enabled': 'true'}
(1 rows)
Insert sample data
Let us seed this table with some sample data.
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('John', 'savings', 1000);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('John', 'checking', 100);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('Smith', 'savings', 2000);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('Smith', 'checking', 50);
Here are the balances for John and Smith.
ycqlsh> select * from banking.accounts;
account_name | account_type | balance
John | checking | 100
John | savings | 1000
Smith | checking | 50
Smith | savings | 2000
Check John's balance.
ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';
Check Smith's balance.
ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as smiths_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='Smith';
Execute a transaction
Here are a couple of examples of executing transactions.
Let us say John transfers $200 from his savings account to his checking account. This has to be a transactional operation. This can be achieved as follows.
UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='savings';
UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance + 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='checking';
If you now selected the value of John's account, you should see the amounts reflected. The total balance should be the same $1100 as before.
ycqlsh> select * from banking.accounts where account_name='John';
account_name | account_type | balance
John | checking | 300
John | savings | 800
Check John's balance.
ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';
Further, the checking and savings account balances for John should have been written at the same write timestamp.
ycqlsh> select account_name, account_type, balance, writetime(balance)
from banking.accounts where account_name='John';
account_name | account_type | balance | writetime(balance)
John | checking | 300 | 1517898028890171
John | savings | 800 | 1517898028890171
Now let us say John transfers the $200 from his checking account to Smith's checking account. We can accomplish that with the following transaction.
UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='checking';
UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance + 200 WHERE account_name='Smith' AND account_type='checking';
We can verify the transfer was made as we intended, and also verify that the time at which the two accounts were updated are identical by performing the following query.
ycqlsh> select account_name, account_type, balance, writetime(balance) from banking.accounts;
account_name | account_type | balance | writetime(balance)
John | checking | 100 | 1517898167629366
John | savings | 800 | 1517898028890171
Smith | checking | 250 | 1517898167629366
Smith | savings | 2000 | 1517894361290020
The net balance for John should have decreased by $200 which that of Smith should have increased by $200.
ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';
Check Smith's balance.
ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as smiths_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='Smith';